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Ragnos Patch 0.1.2

The next Ragnos patch is comming and will bring new features and game content:

  • Dailies quests
  • NPCs reputation system
  • A new Quest Log

Novas missões diarias!

The delay was because this patch brought many challenges for our programmers and because its bigger then others. This dalay will be compensated.

Check everyrhing about the news features that will be on Ragnos. The patch will be on live server very soon!


Dailies missions

Within the patch all players will be able to do dailies missions! You will get these new missions with the NPC Daves, that live on Quendor's depot (he is the postman). These new missions will require only level 50+.

Also, the new missions will continue the Island of Peace missions, (yes, the one that starts with Mereus). This is something that players ask for a long time and will finally be done! The last mission of Island of Peace was given by Mesth'zaros. After the patch, there will be a new quest, after all the existing questline, to get the boat to Quendor and report all your progress to Daves. Daves will give you new missions to be done in the Main Continent.

Daves missions will be a little different: Instead to be a a sequel to be completed once (as in Island of Peace) Daves will give a certain number of daily missions (5-8).

To complete these missions Daves will ask you to do some jobs on many places of Ragnos world, starting by the easy missions and going to the hard missions late. Is suggested a group of 2-3 players to complete.

Is important to say that these missions are dailies! That means the progress will be restarted every server save (at 13h BRT) when Daves will bring a new series of missions! The point is finish all the missions given by Daves until the next server save. This way, you will receive the best reward.


On each mission completed you will be rewarded by Daves with an amount of experience and gold. Will be rewarded too with reputation points that will be explained here in forward.

Best reward: This is a extra bonus of experience, gold and reputation points that you will receive when complete the last of the daily.

Reputation with NPCs

Another new feature of this patch will be the Reputation with NPCs, that is related with Daves dailies.

When you complete a mission with a NPC you will increase your reputation points within. Doing this for a time you will increase your reputation rank, and unlock some new items to be traded, special missions, and other exclusive content.

Some group of NPCs can share the same reputation, for example: NPCs of Quendor, NPCs of Thorn, etc.


Interface de trade com sistema de reputação

This picture is just a demonstration of the interface, the items avaiable can not be the same.

See bellow the avaliable ranks and how reach every one:

Friendly: Need 1.600 reputation points. You will need 5 days of dailies to reach this rank on avarage.

Honored: Need 3.200 reputation points. You will need 10 days of dailies to reach this rank on avarage.

Revered: Need 6.400 reputation points. You will need 20 days of dailies to reach this rank on avarage.

Exalted: Need 12.800 reputation points. You will need 40 days of dailies to reach this rank on avarage.

What will be unlocked with Daves?

  • Friendly: Some equipments and weapons also addons reagents.
  • Honored: Some equipments and weapons, also special quests and reagents for outfits and mounts.
  • Revered: Some reagents for addons and mounts, also special quests.
  • Exalted: Some reagents for mounts and a epic quest.

New Quest Log

We want to do a good work on Ragnos roleplay. The player always must be something to do like a quest, a mission, an objetive to be reached. And to this work well Ragnos need a better Quest Log, that can really make the life of the player easy. And we do this, Ragnos will have a better Quest Log on the patch:

Opção de acompanhar quest.

The new quest log has a single interface, where you easily will find your quests and missions, their objectives and progress. The new Quest Log has a new very usefull feature: Track quest. Using this feature you will be able to see a small widget with the informations of the tracked quest during your game (see on the image on left).




Demonstração do acompanhamento na quest dos trolls em Island of PeaceThe new Quest Log will be working well for Island of Peace and Daves dailies on Quendor. We will expand the new Quest Log in a near future to every quest avaiable on Ragnos making this feature a really powerfull game guide.







We still are working on the final works of the patch, so the day of the patch will be release soon. Beyond the new features described here the Patch 0.1.2 will bring other new features, improvements and fixies, as:

  • mounts and new outfits available
  • the graphical issue with annimation when moving
  • option to bind hotkeys for general game functions (will be explained later)
  • other optimizations on client based on players feedback

Have fun,
UltraxSoft Staff

9 anos atrás

Ragnos Update

Today after the server server (15:00 UTC/GMT) will be live the first Ragnos game update!

With this update, you will need re-download and use the new updated Ragnos client in order to play. The download will be avaiable when the servers goes off-line in the server save.

The update will bring to the game some new features, fixies and improvements. We want highlight two of the main features in this update: market system and a new party share exp!


Continue reading the full post to stay tuned and know all details about this game update!


Market System and depots rework

Market will be available to use for any player. To use, you must go to the depot of any city and open your locker. You will see:

You will see some changes on your locker: Besides your usuall depot box, you will find another two new boxes: mailbox and the market box.

You will not be able to put items directly on your anymore, just nside your depot box (any items you had on the locker before the update will be inside the depot box!

The mailbox is the place where your incoming emails, parcels and brought items on market will be delivered. This box is special cause you will not be able to put items inside... You just will be able to get out incoming items from the mailbox.


Using the Market

Here is some basic things your need know about the market system:

  • The money used to brought items must be deposited on your bank account. You can easily check how much gold you have on you bank in the Market Panel, on the top-right.
  • The items you want sell must be inside your depot box.
  • All the gold incoming from your sales will go directly on you bank account.
  • Your brought items will be delivered on your mailbox. 

After open the market you will see the following panel:

The market is pretty simple. Each marked area will be explained:

1) Items navigation: Here you will find all items available on the game, organized by categories, also can use filters as level to use or vocation required. You can search for an item by your name using the name box on to bottom.

If you are going to sell, there's a very usefull button "Show only depot". This will filter only items inside your depot.

You must select an item on the item navigation panel to display the options on the second panel.

2) Buy & Sell panel: Is here where you be displayed the options to sell and buy the selected item on the item navigation (1). Are 3 different ways to negociate an item:

3) Brought an item from a seller: You select an item and on the buy & sell panel (2) will be displayed who are selling the item, and the price. Select one and click on Buy. When do that, you confirm and will receive the item on your mailbox.

4) Buy offer: If you want buy and items but no one is selling you do a buy offer and wait for an seller.

To create an buy offer, on the "Create new offer" panel ensure you have selected Buy for "Offer type" and fill the price, amount and anonymous as you want and "Create offer". Now you just wait for a seller!

5) Sell an item: Select the item on the items navigation, then in the "Create new offer" panel ensure you have selected Sell for "Offer type", the fill the price, amount and anonymous as you want and "Create offer". Now just wait for a buyer!


Some other market features:

On the top-left of the Market panel you will find the tab "My offers" where you can see all your offers and if want, cancel an offer.

When you select an item from the item navigation panel you can select the tabs Details and Statistics wich contain very usefull informations about sellers and buyers!


Share Party Exp rework

In the update we have reworked the how are shared the exp when in party.In the old way you will receive an 5% exp bonus, that is very small and not attractive bonus.

Now with the reworked system you will receive more bonus as more different vocations are inside your party, from a maximum of 4 vocations (100% bonus).

2 different vocations: 30% more exp

3 different vocations: 60% more exp

4 different vocations: 100% more exp


Outras novidades

  • Now is shown a Icon with the NPCs that correspond to the NPC job: as trader, quest giver, etc.
  • New game effects for walking, runes, and some new animations.
  • The option to show connection latency (ping) will not work as expected.
  • NPC Trade window polished.






Next update preview:

We keep working on new updates! On the next will be available the waited mounts and new outfits & addons. And an new continent to be explored with many secrets and challanges!

We are always collecting the feedback from the community and we already are working on this, as the visbility issues with the life bar and a option to bind a key to toogle the walk by ASDW!

UltraxSoft Team.

9 anos atrás

Ragnos, OTServ as the good times

We are happy in announce that today we have started Ragnos, a parallel world to Darghos.

Ragnos is an old project of UltraxSoft. We started idealize they on late 2013 and we are working and planning how will be the gameplay since then. 

How will be Ragnos?
Where they differ from Darghos?
Will change something in Darghos with the release of Ragnos?

Keep reading to be answered about these and other common questions and know a bit more from the released Ragnos!

Ragnos Presentation

The Ragnos project started on late 2013. The main objective is work in restoration of the game essence that we all see on the Old Tibia inside the Darghos universe, this always was the reason of the Ragnos existence.

We are certain that the main problem of the Tibia, Darghos and all other servers is the bot. Is these tools that destroyed all the gaming experience and ruined all the essence from the golden age and restore this, is what we are doing.

So, if you want feel the same you have felt years ago before the game starts to be destroyed, we invite you to join to Ragnos and help in this work that we just have began!

Game Features

Ragnos was build from the solid bases of the Darghos with the modifications done to reach the proposal to restore the Tibia essence.

See below how will be Ragnos:

  • Fair game without bots!
    • To connect to the game is required use our own client that is fully safe against all know bots and cheating programs in general
    • The use (or even try to use) any illegal program to play will result in hard punishment
  • General characteristics
    • Experience rate is 3x (non staged)
    • Life and mana regen is 5x, and Items regen is 3x
    • Magic level and skills is 2.5x
    • You can stay on trainers afk wihout be disconnected if you doen't close the game
    • Respawns reviewed for a better game-play
    • Runes and potions will cost 50% lesser (duo the loot and gold making will be considerable hard).

Ragnos Client

The Ragnos client is totally armored against bots. We will also work daily in keep the client away from these illegal programs.

The client have all the tradicional Tibia features, is very friendly and easy to use. Soon will be available a page with an client manual explaining all their features.

The client include some very nice new features:

  • Multilanguage (we will finally support ingame all the idioms of our website!)
  • Improved walk (like a Dash, is availble under the Options)
  • You can move yourself by ASDW (can be toggled in a box on the left side of the chat channels).
  • Use any key as your hotkey (yes, you can bind any key you want!)
  • Improved and optimized engine to be faster and lighweight.
  • Some usefull filters under the battle list.
  • Sound effects (will be heavily used on the future).

Also, we will start to bring to Ragnos some newer features from Tibia, not yet availble on the Darghos 8.6 version (you be explained bellow).

The Ragnos and Darghos future

We want say that Darghos will continue online, and the impact of the creation of the Ragnos is near nothing to the server.

However, our main focus now will be Ragnos. That means that the support and the activity of the staff on Darghos will be very small from now. We are not planning any changes or updates for Darghos in a near future, all our work will be on the Ragnos.

 We already was working on bring updates and new features on Ragnos, as implement some new features from the Tibia (as said above).

  • Mounts
  • New outfits and addons
  • Market system
  • All newer spells

You already can create your character on Ragnos and began your journey with us! If you accept this challange, download the client from here and enjoy!

UltraxSoft Team

9 anos atrás

[Raid Boss] Behemoth King

We would to present an raid boss on Darghos that brazilians already know very well, but will be first time seen for players from others country: Behemoth King!

Its a epic and tradional Darghos raid, that happens on Quendor and will be back to the game from today, every sunday.

The raid will start at 17:30 BRT (19:30 UTC time).

Do you want help defeat the Behemoth King? And want know where? And the rewards?


Behemoth King

Recommended level to participate: 80+
Recommended level to tanking the boss): Elite Knight 180+
Avarage boss area damage: 350+
Avarage boss target damage: 1.500+ (combos should be near 3.000)
Avarage boss area mana drain: 1000+
Participation reward: If the boss is defeat all players that have do damage or heal the tank are rewarded with a random item.

Location: North of Quendor

Here's the the path to reach the boss:

1) Go to ancient dungeon:


2) Keep going to the lowest floors of the ancient dungeon. The boss is found on the end of this path.


Beware! All these places will be very dangerous during the raid. Be prepared to face Cyclops, Cyclops Smiths, Cyclops Drone and Behemoths (and the Behemoth King on the end of the dungeon).

Enjoy the event, and have fun!
UltraxSoft Team.

9 anos atrás

Level, skills and magic returned

We really understand how hard is play on a low rates server as Darghos, and how face a reset state of the server - due problem that you are not envolved - can be frustating.

For this, we stayed searching for a way to make the impact of these measures lesser. For this, we decided that the best we can do is bring back some of the stats of all characters to the moment before the reset state.

This means that your level, magic level and skills was returned to the same of the day 04, february. Meanwhile, your items (depots, inventory and houses) still are in the state of the rollback on the 24, january. You are not understaning? Keep reading:

How will work this return of skills, levels and magic:

Suppose that you are a Paladin, and in 04, february (before reset state) you is happy at level 120, magic 17 and skill 100.
Then, we do reset state to the moment of 24, january (on the past), when you still are just at level 60, magic 13, skill 80. Due the this expressive loss of game progress, now you are very disapointed.
Now, after the return of your stats mentioned, you have again the same as in 04, feb: level 120, magic 17 and skill 100!
Attention: As I explain, that will not affect any kind of items, that still is on the reset state at 24, jan, just the stats (level, magic, skills).
And if after the reset state I keep playing, hunting and leveling... I just wasted my time?
Surely you not wasted your time. Resuming Paladin's example:
Then, after the reset state, you still are playing... Angry but playing... Now due the compensation event, you have had recovered a good part of the level, skills and magic you losses on the reset state. What changes to you?
This loyal Paladin did well! All these levels, skills and magic after the reset state will be combined with the stats he was on the 04, feb.
That means, you will be at level 120 plus the experience you got from 60 to 100: Something like level 140. That will be the same with magic and skills progress!

Changes to the compensation


Since we returned the stats of all charcters, make no sense keep an double exp and skills compensation. For that the compensation from now will be a Double Loot. This will make easy find the items you loss on the reset state. The double loot duration is still the same as the old compensation.

We sincerely wait with these changes ease at least a small part of the problems caused.

UltraxSoft Team.

9 anos atrás

Reset state (rollback)

Due a emergency problems Darghos had to be reseted to the state of January, 24. We sincerely offer apologies by all the ingame progress loss this had caused.
This was necessary due the conclusion of an investigation about an now ex-staff member, Ulquiorra (tutor and mapper). For reasons that we can not easlily understand, he abused from your position then (with some players) prejudice the server,  this results in a hard impact on the game economy and general game-play balancing, By that, the reset on state to safe moment was the only one viable choice.  
We are very surprised with this attitude from Ulquiorra , because he is a very old member, helping us in the last 5 years, keeping fansites up-to-date and more...
We are deeply sad about all this and how its loss progress will affect your game in a negative way.

Deleted players

Besides Ulquiorra be removed from the staff, the players that are envolved in this episode was deleted. Are the following the players deleted:

Ulquiorra, Apanhador, Django, Jamaica, Pakimith, Pakimith, Tilambucano, Morphiix, Azahaya, Yvez, Cassino, Axl Hawk



To compensate the game progress loss, will be enabled on the Darghos tomorrow  the following compensations:

  • All accounts can get the free premium at lv 40 again.
  • There will be a Double Exp and Double Skills until February, 10.
  • No premium days discontend from the point of the game state reset;
  • Free 5 days premium account to all (enjoy the doubles).

Thank you to support us!
Yours UltraxSoft Team.

9 anos atrás