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Gostaria de ficar por dentro de novidades no Darghos?
Your idiom
Divirta-se no Darghos 7.4, um server feito para ser dificil!

Select the world you want play:

Darghos client (near 21 mb, extract and play)


Map files (use this to keep all the map open)


Map files install instruction:

1) Close any oppened Tibia.
2) Navigate to the folder %appdata%/tibia (you can use Windows key + R) then remove the folder Automap if exists.
3) Extract the folder Automap found on the rar downloaded inside this folder.
4) Open the Tibia, you will see all the map open. Enjoy!

Ragnos Client

(46.2 mb)


Download and extract the file on a folder of your preference, then run the game by opening one of the applications:

Darghos_GLX (OpenGL engine, recomended!)

Darghos_DX9 (DirectX 9 engine)

Troubles & solutions:

Attempting to use DirectX 9 (Darghos_DX9) you can face the following issues:

1) Missing D3DCOMPILER_43.dll:

Solution: You must download and install DirectX 9 Runtime Library:

2) Missing MSVCP100.dll:

Solution: You must download and install VC++ 2010 Runtime Library:

3) Error 0xc000001d

This error means that you CPU (processor) is a bit older and doesn't have the minimal requeriments to run the game =[

4) Other issues and perfomance (low FPS)

Solution: Make sure to be using 32-bits colors on your system. Perfomance issues can be fixed by make sure the graphical drivers are installed. Keep your drivers updated is another trick.